Care 32 Dental Blog

Will My Dental Crown Ever Need to Be Replaced?

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mydentistgp @ 2:12 pm
A scattering of dental crowns on a table

You’ve had your dental crown for a while now. Maybe you already know that they are made from durable materials, but even so. It’ll have to be replaced at some point, right? Maybe it’s been long enough that you’re starting to wonder.

Don’t second-guess yourself. Your first thought was right – even impressively hardy dental restorations don’t last forever. If you’ve been sailing smoothly with your crown, though, you might not know how to read the signs. Keep reading to find out what could indicate it’s time for a dental crown replacement.


Extraction Inquiry: Does Everyone Have Wisdom Teeth?

May 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mydentistgp @ 3:25 pm
Dentist with blond hair looking at an X-ray with patient blurry in the background

If you’re a young adult experiencing an ache in your jaw, or swelling in your gums behind your molars, you might be growing wisdom teeth. They typically show up when you’re between 17 and 25 years old and are extracted more often than not. In fact, this procedure is so common that many people think of it as a natural rite of passage into young adulthood.

But what if you’re in your twenties and you haven’t experienced any of the telltale signs of these last molars arriving? Could it be possible that you’re one of the lucky ones who don’t have them? Keep reading to learn more about wisdom teeth and why some people don’t have to worry about them.


Divvying Dental Dollars: How Your Tax Return Could Improve Your Oral Health

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mydentistgp @ 8:02 pm
Model of teeth with good oral health biting a coin

Receiving a tax refund is a great opportunity to invest in something beneficial for yourself and your family. One smart way to use this extra cash is to improve your oral health. Good dental care not only enhances your smile but also contributes to your overall well-being. Here are some excellent ways to use your tax refund to boost your oral health.


How Can Dental Implants Be So Successful?

March 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mydentistgp @ 8:07 pm
Lady smiles

A winning smile is an invaluable asset in the social scene and the professional world. People who smile frequently are generally seen as more confident, friendly, trustworthy, and approachable by the people around them, which makes it much easier for them to introduce themselves, build connections, and close sales. Sadly, many people don’t smile much because they are embarrassed about showing their missing teeth. Here’s how dental implants can replace lost teeth with an incredible success rate of over 95%.


Little Teeth, Big Facts: Fun Insights into Children’s Dental Health

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mydentistgp @ 7:42 pm
Child and mother reading about dental health

As a parent, you know that your child’s dental health is an important aspect of their overall well-being. However, you also know that it can be difficult to get them interested in taking care of their teeth. So, how can you teach them in a way that’s both fun and educational? Continue reading to find some fun and enlightening facts about dental health that might begin to get them hooked on hygiene!


How Can Get to an Emergency Dentist When I Need One Immediately?

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mydentistgp @ 10:13 pm

Woman has dental pain

Perhaps one day you will be walking down the street only to trip on an object and fracture a tooth as you fall. Maybe you’ll be sitting at home minding your own business when you’re suddenly hit with a severe, throbbing toothache. Whatever the nature of your dental health crisis, you’re going to want the services of an emergency dentist as soon as you can get it. Here’s a brief guide to finding an emergency dentist when you need one most.


Are the Holidays the Worst Time for Your Oral Health?

December 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mydentistgp @ 2:12 am
assorted Christmas treats

With the holidays upon us, seasonal foods and drinks are making their appearance at work, home, and everywhere in between. As schedules shift due to travel, holiday parties, and preparations for loved ones arriving in town, questions arise about whether the holiday season is indeed detrimental to your smile. Explore three reasons why the holidays may impact your oral health.


Don’t Let Popular Holiday Foods Harm Your Smile

November 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mydentistgp @ 2:57 am

Close up of Thanksgiving foodsThe holidays can be a recipe for disaster for your waistline because your eating habits probably change. Besides doing more snacking, you’ll be surrounded by many delicious foods that will tempt your taste buds. This can lead to a few unwanted pounds, but it can also damage your teeth and gums. If you don’t want to hear any bad news the next time you visit your dentist, here’s a list of the top holiday foods you should avoid.


How to Avoid Dental Problems on Halloween

October 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mydentistgp @ 8:45 am
Little kids at a Halloween party

With October here, perhaps you’re excited for Halloween. That’s only natural – the 31st will have candy, parties, and other things to enjoy! Still, you don’t need to get cavities from this holiday. It’s entirely possible to avoid oral health issues on Halloween. To do so, you just need to use the right tips and tricks. Luckily, your Grand Prairie dentist can teach you a few. Here are four helpful ways to protect your smile during All Hallows’ Eve.


I Have Missing Teeth; Can I Safely Receive Dental Implants?

September 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mydentistgp @ 4:04 pm
dental implants against a green background

Dental implants are the name of the game when it comes to replacing missing teeth, having assisted countless patients with restoring their smiles and in turn, boosting their quality of life. The implant process is fairly straightforward; titanium posts are surgically embedded into the patient’s jawbone to serve as the root structure for the future replacement teeth. Nonetheless, this can seem daunting to patients, even to the point where some are dissuaded from seeking out this life-changing treatment! But fear not; keep reading to learn more about why it’s perfectly safe, and often encouraged, to replace your missing teeth with dental implants.

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